Thursday, 29 May 2014

Days 3 - 7 Yet another challenge

From time to time I am required to go out into "the field" for work. This means heading off into the wilderness for days at a time with all your meals coming out of pre packaged sachets and tins. The meals are designed to last with no refrigeration and provide quick energy so are very high in sugar, simple carbs and preservatives not to mention the other artificial  colours and flavours to try and make them resemble food.

I've just been told that I'm heading out tonight for four to five days. I'm desperate to stick with the whole 30 so have had to package my own meals. I've packed a bunch of tuna, nuts and jerky and should be able to obtain some fresh vegetables  and fruits out there. I know that the jerky and nuts aren't ideal but they are a better option then the provided stuff. I can't believe how hard it was to find tuna and jerky with. I added sugar and soy. It's amazing how many additives can make it into what I would consider clean food. I've also packed some easy to eat on the go carrots and kale leaves, will see how long they last in the heat.

Will let you know how I go!

So far today my energy hasn't been too bad, not amazing but not the slump of yesterday.

One weird thing though (TMI warning) my urine smells very strange and has a very sweet smell to it. There us no way I can be in ketosis after 2 days plus I've had small amounts of fruit and a sweet potato with dinner. I'm hoping it's my body ridding itself of all the damage I did to it over the last few days but will monitor it as there is always the chance there's something more serious going on with me.  I'm drinking heaps of water but am often very thirsty.

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